Legal Notices

The website is published by the company Tempete Studio.

Tempete Studio SASU, a company registered at the Registry of Commerce of Poitiers under number 820 531 812, organized and existing under the laws of France, and having its registered offices at 36 Rue vaugelas 75015 Paris – France. The company CEO is Régis Bonnessée.

Publication Director: Benjamin Robert

Contact: +33 5 49 46 10 87 –

The website Tempete Studio is hosted by GANDI SAS, a company registered at the Registry of Commerce of Paris under number 423 093 459, organized and existing under the laws of France, with a share capital of 2300000€ and having its registered office at 300000 € and having its registered office at 63-65 boulevard Masséna – 75013 Paris – France. Phone: +33 (0) 1